
Can Russia Heal its Chechnya Wounds?

American Forum

Can Russia Heal its Chechnya Wounds?

Yuri V Urbanovich

Monday, June 19, 2000
{8:00PM} (EDT)
Event Details
Dr. Yuri Urbanovich, a graduate from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expert on arms control and conflict resolution, and professor from the University of Virginia gives a lecture on the Chechen War in Russia. He begins by defining the Caucasus region, differentiating the North from the South Caucasus. Next, Dr. Urbanovich outlines the historical antagonism between the Russians and the Chechens. Starting with the Tsarist annexation of the Caucasus region he explains the ethnic diversity of the region. Additionally, he describes the difficulties involved in subduing the highlanders in the region. Moving to the Soviet period he relates the uprisings inspired by collectivization prior to World War Two, the Chechen collaboration with the Nazis and the subsequent deportation of thousands of Chechens under Stalin. Dr. Urbanovich argues that this history of oppression was profoundly important in defining Chechen identity that lead to separatist movements in the early 1990s. Dr. Urbanovich explains, however, that unlike other ethnic minorities in the North Caucasus, the Chechen?s are characteristically rebellious due in part to their tragic history that they were unable to morn due to Soviet oppression. During the transitory period of 1991, when the Chechen uprising took hold, Russia was unable to react effectively due to internal problems. Dr. Urbanovich compares Chechnya to Sicily due to its relatively autonomous status and high level of organized crime. The first Chechen War was catastrophic for Russia as the Russian army was ill-prepared and uninspired contrary to the well equipped and enthused Chechens. Dr. Urbanovich proceeds to explain how Chechen independence is problematic for several reasons, including Islamic extremism and setting precedence for independence movements within Russia. He concludes that in order to solve the Chechen problems, Russia should make efforts to resolve these painful historic memories. During the questioning session Dr. Urbanovich addresses President Putin?s KGB background, Russian conscription, and Russian-Chechen settlements.
Monday, June 19, 2000
{8:00PM} (EDT)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Yuri V Urbanovich