
The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America's Pursuit of its Enemies Since 9/11

American Forum

The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America's Pursuit of its Enemies Since 9/11

Ron Suskind

Friday, June 23, 2006
8:00AM (EDT)
Event Details

Ron Suskind, a University of Virginia and Columbia School of Journalism alumnus, published The One Percent Doctrine on June 20, 2006. Relying on unique access to former and current government officials, Suskind reveals how the President and defense officials are "frantically improvising" in the war on terror. Suskind was senior national affairs writer for the Wall Street Journal from 1993 to 2000, and in 1995 received the Pulitzer Prize for feature writing. His 2002 book, The Price of Loyalty, focused on former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill's fall from grace.

Friday, June 23, 2006
8:00AM (EDT)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Ron Suskind