
White House Counsel: Views from the Department of Justice

White House Counsel: Views from the Department of Justice

Nancy V Baker

Friday, November 10, 2006
{7:30PM} (EST)
Event Details

The close relationship between the Counsel's office and the Justice Department extends beyond judicial selection. The Counsel not only serves as the White House liaison with the Department of Justice; it relies on the Department, especially the Office of Legal Counsel, for legal opinions and recommendations, and shares legal policymaking responsibilities with the Department. This panel examined the relationship between the Department of Justice and the White House Counsel's office from the perspective of those who served at Justice.


  • William Barr, Bush (41) Attorney General
  • Walter Dellinger III, Clinton Solicitor General
  • Jamie S. Gorelick, Clinton Deputy Attorney General
  • John M. Harmon, Carter Assistant Attorney General for Office of Legal Counsel


  • When
    Friday, November 10, 2006
    {7:30PM} (EST)
    The Miller Center
    2201 Old Ivy Rd
    Charlottesville, VA 22903

    Nancy V Baker