
War Powers

War Powers

W. Taylor Reveley

Saturday, November 11, 2006
{4:30AM} (EST)
Event Details

Since the post's inception, the White House Counsel has been involved, to varying degrees, in foreign policy matters. As issues of presidential war powers have risen to prominence, so has the Counsel's office involvement in these areas. This panel examined the development of the Counsel's role in matters relating to war powers and foreign policy.


  • John Bellinger III, Legal Adviser, State Department
  • Walter Dellinger III, Clinton Solicitor General
  • Louis Fisher, Library of Congress
  • Theodore Sorensen, Kennedy White House Special Counsel


  • When
    Saturday, November 11, 2006
    {4:30AM} (EST)
    The Miller Center
    2201 Old Ivy Rd
    Charlottesville, VA 22903

    W. Taylor Reveley