
Interagency Relationships in the Intelligence Community

American Forum

Business of Intelligence Gathering & Analysis

Interagency Relationships in the Intelligence Community

Philip Mudd

Monday, November 17, 2008
6:00AM (EST)
Event Details

PHILIP MUDD joined the CIA in 1985 as a leadership analyst responsible for South Asian issues, and in 1992 began focusing on Middle East terrorism – particularly Iranian state-sponsored terrorism – in the Counter Terrorism Center (CTC) in 1992. Mudd later became the Deputy Director of the Office of Terrorism Analysis. In 2003, he was appointed the CTC's Deputy Director, and in 2005 became Associate Executive Assistant Director of the National Security Branch. The Director of Central Intelligence gave Mudd the Director's Award in 2004, for his leadership, extraordinary fidelity, and essential service.

Forum Series: The Business of U.S. Intelligence Gathering and Analysis

Monday, November 17, 2008
6:00AM (EST)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Philip Mudd headshot

Philip Mudd