
A Virginia Dynasty? James Monroe and the Presidential Elections of 1816 and 1820

American Forum

A Virginia Dynasty? James Monroe and the Presidential Elections of 1816 and 1820

Daniel F. Preston

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
6:00AM (EST)
00:00 00:00
Event Details

DANIEL F. PRESTON is editor of The Papers of James Monroe at the James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library. His articles include "James Monroe: Occasional Lawyer" in America's Lawyer-Presidents: From Law Office to the Oval Office (Northwestern University Press, 2004) and "James Monroe" in The American Presidents (Readers Digest, 2001). Preston has delivered numerous presentations and conference papers on James Monroe and other historical figures, and his awards include a fellowship at the David Bruce Centre for American Studies at Keele University (United Kingdom) and a Mellon Fellowship Grant from the Virginia Historical Society. A signing of his book James Monrow: An Illustrated History followed the Forum. This was the annual Gordon and Mary Beth Smyth Forum on American History.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
6:00AM (EST)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Daniel F. Preston