
Right Star Rising

Right Star Rising

Laura Kalman

Friday, May 01, 2009
8:30AM (EDT)
Event Details

LAURA KALMAN is Professor of History at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Currently, she is working on a book entitled Right Star Rising: American Politics and the Limits of Leadership in the Seventies, 1974–1979. She specializes in U.S. 20th century history and American legal history.

Her other publications include Yale Law School and the Sixties: Revolt and Reverberations (University of North Carolina Press, 2005); The Strange Career of Legal Liberalism (Yale University Press, 1996); and Legal Realism at Yale, 19271960 (University of North Carolina Press, 1986). She also wrote Abe Fortas: A Biography (Yale University Press, 1990), which won the Organization of American Historians' 1990 James A. Rawley Prize – given to the best book dealing with race relations in the United States, the 1991 Littleton-Griswold Prize in American Law and Society given by the American Historical Association, and a 1990 American Bar Association Gavel Award – given in recognition of a noteworthy contribution to public understanding of the American system of law and justice.

Bio: Professor Laura Kalman, U.C.-Santa Barbara

Friday, May 01, 2009
8:30AM (EDT)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Image of Laura Kalman

Laura Kalman