'It could mean they have some leverage'

'It could mean they have some leverage'

Senior Fellow Eric Edelman looks at Trump's Ukraine call through a foreign policy lens

Much of the reporting and analysis of President Trump's phone call to Ukrainian President Zelensky has focused on domestic politics. But there are foreign policy questions Americans may be asking when thinking about the call.

  • What is the significance of the Ukraine in the security of Europe and in our own national interest?
  • Why would the U.S. provide military aid to Ukraine and why did the administration choose to withhold it?
  • Does the withholding of military aid and the request that Ukraine take responsibility for 2016 election tampering align U.S. policy more closely with that of Russia?
  • What records might President Putin have of phone calls with President Trump and how might he use them to advance Russian interests, especially if the Trump administration is anxious to hide them?

We explore these questions in a fascinating discussion with Eric Edelman, a former ambassador, longtime U.S. diplomat, and Miller Center senior fellow.