About this recording John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson CARL ALBERT LESLIE ARENDS HALE BOGGS Frances Bolton EVERETT DIRKSEN CHARLES HALLECK Bourke Hickenlooper HUBERT HUMPHREY THOMAS KUCHEL Michael Mansfield JOHN MCCONE JOHN MCCORMACK ROBERT MCNAMARA THOMAS MORGAN DEAN RUSK RICHARD RUSSELL LEVERETT SALTONSTALL GEORGE SMATHERS CARL VINSON January 8, 1963 John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson Frances Bolton Dean Rusk Richard Russell Carl Vinson Carl B. Albert Leslie C. Arends T. Hale Boggs Sr. Everett M. Dirksen Charles A. Halleck Bourke B. Hickenlooper Hubert H. Humphrey Jr. Thomas H. Kuchel Michael J. Mansfield John A. McCone John W. McCormack Robert S. McNamara Thomas E. Morgan Leverett A. Saltonstall George A. Smathers American Defense and Security Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Secret White House Tapes | John F. Kennedy Presidency Foreign Policy Briefing for Legislative Leaders 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Executive Committee Meeting of the National Security Council Next Meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff More John F. Kennedy Recordings View all John F. Kennedy tapes Meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff audio icon Meeting on Guatemala, Haiti, and Argentina Telephone Call with Willard Wirtz Executive Committee Meeting of the National Security Council Executive Committee Meeting of the National Security Council Meeting on Berlin and the Soviet Union Meeting on Vietnam Meeting with David Bruce Executive Committee Meeting of the National Security Council (cont.) Executive Committee Meeting of the National Security Council