What does democracy mean to you?
Students: Create a 30-second video for the UVA Democracy Biennial—September 24–25 at JPJ Arena—and win a $15 Bodo’s gift card!
Undergraduate and graduate students: The UVA Democracy Biennial, September 24–25 at JPJ Arena, invites you to submit a 30-second video with your thoughts about democracy.
Winning videos will be shown to an audience of thousands at the event. Just follow the guidelines below.
WHAT to say:
Anything! You can address questions such as
- How does democracy play a role in your life?
- What is the biggest threat to democracy today?
- What should democracy look like?
- How does democracy live—or fail—at UVA
- How does democracy look different around the world?
- What excites or inspires you as an engaged citizen?
HOW to say it:
- Film your video horizontally in a well-lit location with minimal background noice
- Upload a clip of no more than 30-seconds
- Feel free to simply speak on camera or use any other form of creative expression.