About this recording JACK BROOKS April 20, 1964 Jack B. Brooks Human Rights and Civil Rights Politics Social Issues Citation Number: 3068 BROOKS REPORTS ON TRIP TO TEXAS, JOHN CONNALLY, MEETING WITH TEXAS NEGRO STATE SOCIETY; LBJ INVITES JACK, CHARLOTTE BROOKS TO DINNER TONIGHT; LADY BIRD JOHNSON RETURNING TO DC BY CAR BECAUSE PLANE STRUCK BY LIGHTNING Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with JACK BROOKS, April 20, 1964 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous OFFICE CONVERSATION, April 20, 1964 Next Conversation with JOHN PASTORE and OFFICE CONVERSATION, April 21, 1964 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with JOHN PASTORE and OFFICE CONVERSATION, April 21, 1964 audio icon Conversation with JAMES FARMER, April 21, 1964 audio icon Conversation with ROBERT MCNAMARA, April 22, 1964 audio icon Conversation with CYRUS VANCE and OFFICE CONVERSATION, April 22, 1964 audio icon OFFICE NOISE, April 21, 1964 audio icon Conversation with DEAN RUSK and OFFICE CONVERSATION, April 21, 1964 audio icon Conversation with ROBERT MCNAMARA and OFFICE CONVERSATION, April 21, 1964 audio icon Conversation with DOROTHY NICHOLS, April 21, 1964 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, April 21, 1964 audio icon Conversation with BROMLEY SMITH audio icon