The Presidency / Featured Content

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Highlights from the Miller Center's collections

'A Good B-Plus'

'The Architect of Surrender'

'I’m Not Lying About That One'

'Our Friendship Was Never Severed'

'Our National Honor’s at Stake'

'Reports of Heavy Fighting'

'I Do Not Believe I Can'

LBJ, King, and the Watts Revolt

'I Think He Ought to Be Institutionalized'

'You Go to That Conference'

'The Biggest Damn Mess I Ever Saw'

'We’ve Been in Tears'

'That Wasn’t What Killed Kennedy'

'Finest Advertisement He Could Give Me'

'You Got Lots of Guts'

'I Think It’s Dynamite'

'They’re Trying to Pressure You'

'The President Has This Authority'

'$400 Million’s Not Going to Separate Us'

'You Give Me Strength'

'Unite Their Families'

'We Weren’t Killing Dominicans

'The Vice Presidency Is an Impossible Job'

'I’m Not a Master of Nothing'

'We Found the Car'

'Put Some Better People on Your Team

'A Very Complex Problem'

'My Congratulations and My Sympathy'

Dr. Spock on Medicare Politics

'Make the Law Bend to the Problem'

'Just Merely to Tell You I Loved You'

'All These Harvard Men'

'It’s a Horrible, Tragic Thing'

No 'One-Way Deal'

'Sure Thought I Had Better Leadership'

'He Just Like[s] Beans'

'He’ll Stop the Bombing if Elected'

LBJ Orders Some New Haggar Pants

'This Country’s in Trouble'

'This Is What We Stand For'

'A Wasteful Thing'

'They Can’t Argue with Themselves'

'We Can Pass Medicare'

'Let’s Don’t Mislead and Deceive People'

'Make Them Go Vote for Education'

'I Would Be Honored to Do It'

'Get the Immigration Bill Reported'

'It’s Just So Unfair'

'It’s a Mess'

'We’re Doing Everything We Can'

'Where Do You Stop'

'We Got Three Kids Missing'

'Likely That None of Them Were Burned'

'You’re a Hard Bargainer'

'It’s Largely a Propaganda Effort'

'It’s Starting to Break Down'

'Never Felt Better in My Life'

'We’re Going to Carry the South'

'Be My Solicitor General'

'We Got a Fair Chance to Keep Up'

'You’re Goddamn Sure Going to Serve'

'I’m Just as Close as the Phone'

'The Trouble with a Commission'

'We’ll Find Some Central Theme'

'This Is Treason'

'We Just Have Got to Act Quickly'

'Don’t Let Them Get You Down'

'He’d Have Been Beat'

'A Very Disgusting Performance'

'That’s What the Democratic Party’s For'

'I Thought We Were Going to Confirm Him'

'No Nuclear Weapons in South Vietnam'

'More War' or 'More Appeasement'

'They Want Beauty'

'Go On and Report My Poverty Bill'

'We’re Just So Fond of You'

'I Feel Very, Very Strongly About This'

'The President Is Dead'

'We Made a Little Progress There'

'A Paragraph on Nonproliferation'

'He’s for Grandma'

'I’d a Whole Lot Rather Dick Daley Do It'

'I Don’t Want to Be a Warmonger'

'A Right to Vote'

'Hot as a Firecracker'

'They’re More Likely to Get Me Killed'

'I’ll Spend the Goddamn Money'

'Keep the Boys That Should Be Sober, Sober'

'Can’t You Help Me'

'You’re Mr. Poverty'

'We Know Who They Are

A 'Three-Prong Approach' to Medicare

'We Need Your Help'

'There’s No Arrangement'

'It’s for the Economy'

'That Wasn’t Smart at All'

'You Can’t Talk About War Plans'

'Something [on] the Order of Hungary'

Turning 'Tax-Eaters' into 'Taxpayers'

'It’s a Great Bill, Mr. President'