Date: May 18, 1971
Time: 11:06 am - 11:28 am
Location: Oval Office
The President met with Henry A. Kissinger.
Hubert H. Humphrey's Amendment
-Vietnam draftees
-Melvin R. Laird
-President’s position
-Kissinger's possible role
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks [SALT]
-Senate debate
-Possible effects
-State Department
-Publication of Andrei A. Gromyko - Jacob D. Beam conversations
-Purpose, effects
Tape Subject Log
(rev. 9/08)
-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [USSR] actions
-Trade policy
-Efforts to purchase US truck components
-Kissinger's conversation with Anatoliy F. Dobrynin
-Peter G. Peterson meeting with USSR commission
-Connection to SALT public announcement
-USSR actions
-Vladimir S. Semenov
-Possible announcement
-Possible causes
-Ronald L. Ziegler, John A. Scali
-Ziegler and Scali
-[Thomas] Woodrow Wilson and Treaty of Versailles
-Henry Cabot Lodge
Republican leaders
-Gerald R. Ford
Democratic leaders
-John C. Stennis
-Richard B. Russell
-New southerners
-David H. Gambrell
-Lawton M. Chiles, Jr.
-Michael J. (“Mike”) Mansfield Amendment
-Gambrell and Chiles
-Edward M. (“Ted”) Kennedy
-Law school exam
-Positions on demonstrators
-Compared with John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy
-James O. Eastland Conv. No. 500-13 (cont.)
Foreign policy
-Congressional votes
-Possible advisors on US policy
-Mansfield Amendment
-Laos, Antiwar demonstrations
-D[avid] Kenneth Rush
-Kissinger's actions
-Previous week's actions
-Mansfield Amendment
-Possible compromise with Mansfield
-Administration action
-Robert P. Griffin
-Prospects in House of Representatives
-Charles McC. Mathias Amendment
-Humphrey Amendment
-Public opinion
-Effects on US foreign policy
-\"New Establishment\"
-Gen. Robert E. Pursley
-Military assistant to Melvin R. Laird
-Friendship with Clark M. Clifford
-State Department
Tape Subject Log
(rev. 9/08)
-Possible 1972 leaks
-People's Republic of China [PRC]
-Middle East
-Egypt Conv. No. 500-13 (cont.)
-Anwar El Sadat
-President's policies
-Possible summit
-Berlin agreement
-Robert Murphy
-Possible meeting with the President
-Possible agreement and announcement
-Possible leaks
-H.R. (“Bob”) Haldeman
-John D. Ehrlichman
-USSR actions
-Possible changes
-Semenov, Smith