The President met with Harold C. Passer and Charles W. Colson; the White House photographer
was present at the beginning of the meeting.
Photograph session
-Tenure in office
National economy
-Release of statistics
-Positive news
-Need for balance
-Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS]
-Retail sales
-Consumer Price Index [CPI]
-Federated Department stores
-Consumer Council
-Passer’s conversation with unknown man
-Steel strike
International monetary situation
-Possible devaluation
-New York financial community
National economy
-Public psychology
-News summary
-Edmund S. Muskie’s statement
-Wage and price controls
-Previous administrations
-John F. Kennedy
-Lyndon B. Johnson
-World War II
-Dwight D. Eisenhower
-Council of Economic Advisors [CEA]
-Administration’s goal
-George Romney's forthcoming speech in Atlanta
-Media coverage
-News media's views
-John F. Kennedy's administration
-Foreign policy
-Economic policy
-Compared to Eisenhower years
-Stock market
-Compare to Nixon years