-Soviet Union response to the blockade
-Kissinger’s previous meeting with Anatoliy F. Dobrynin
-Leonid I. Brezhnev message
-Major point
-Soviet ships
-US attacks
-Kissinger’s reassurance
An unknown person entered at an unknown time after 3:09 pm.
The unknown person left at an unknown time before 3:24 pm.
US-Soviet Union relations
-Brezhnev's message
-Soviet Summit
-Reply by Dobrynin
-US statements
-German Treaty
-Dobrynin references
-US position
-Soviet Summit
-Kissinger’s view
-Dobrynin's assessment of diplomatic moves
-President's letter
-Comparison to Cuban missile crisis
-Public statements
-President's peace proposals
-Soviet Summit
-Impact on North Vietnam
-North Vietnamese offensive
-US countermeasures
-President's trip to Soviet Union
-Kissinger's trip to Peking
-Press response
-Ronald L. Ziegler's report
-World War III predictions
-President's meeting with Nikolay S. Patolichev
-Politburo decision
-US air strikes
-Cessation in Hanoi and Haiphong
-Soviet Summit
-Soviet ships
-Instructions to Adm. Thomas H. Moorer
-Soviet Response
-Soviet Summit
-William P. Rogers
-Forthcoming meeting with the President
-Peace proposals
-Instructions for Rogers
-Comments before Soviet Summit
-Soviet Summit
-Rogers's knowledge of Polish response
President's forthcoming meeting with Rogers
-Substance of discussion
-Soviet response to blockade
-State Department