About this recording INDIRA GANDHI TELEPHONE OPERATOR OFFICE SECRETARY October 15, 1968 Telephone Operator Office Secretary Indira Ghandi Asia Citation Number: 13545 GANDHI SAYS SHE REGRETS NOT MEETING WITH LBJ BUT SAYS SHE MUST RETURN TO INDIA BECAUSE OF FLOODS THERE; LBJ SAYS HE ALSO REGRETS THEY WILL NOT MEET; DISCUSSION OF LBJ'S RETIREMENT, LYNDON NUGENT, AND IMPENDING BIRTH OF LYNDA JOHNSON ROBB'S CHILD Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with INDIRA GANDHI, TELEPHONE OPERATOR and OFFICE SECRETARY, October 15, 1968 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with DEAN RUSK, October 15, 1968 Next Conversation with MIKE MANSFIELD, October 16, 1968 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with MIKE MANSFIELD, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with EVERETT DIRKSEN and OFFICE NOISE, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with CLARK CLIFFORD and OFFICE CONVERSATION, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with RUSSELL LONG, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with CONFERENCE CALL, RICHARD NIXON, GEORGE WALLACE and OFFICE CONVERSATION, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with EVERETT DIRKSEN, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with CLARK CLIFFORD, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with CONFERENCE CALL, GEORGE WALLACE, RICHARD NIXON and HUBERT HUMPHREY, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with CLARK CLIFFORD and OFFICE CONVERSATION, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with TELEPHONE OPERATOR and OFFICE CONVERSATION audio icon