Events / Upcoming Events

Collage of prominent guests to Miller Center events: President Clinton, Karl Rove, Madeleine Albright

Nationally renowned speakers

Politicians, journalists, and government officials frequently participate in Miller Center panel discussions

Hero crowd 7

Probing questions

UVA students are enthusiastic participants in Miller Center events throughout the year

Protest for change, woman holding a sign

Robust debate, without fear or favor

Miller Center speakers address the nation's most pressing problems—sometimes eliciting protests

Upcoming or Past

More events will be scheduled soon. Please check back.

June 02, 2014 06:00 AM

May 27, 2014 08:00 AM

May 22, 2014 07:00 AM

May 09, 2014 08:00 AM

May 09, 2014 05:15 AM

Panel 4: Cross-Border Transformations: War and Revolution in International History
  • Douglas O’Reagan

  • Jim Hershberg

  • J. Luis Ramos

  • Frank Ninkovich

  • Tico Braun

May 08, 2014 11:00 AM

Panel 3: Bucking the System? Determinants of International Politics
  • Adam Liff

  • Rebecca Brubaker

  • William Hitchcock

  • Alastair Iain Johnston

  • Susan Hyde

May 08, 2014 08:45 AM

Panel 2 (lunch panel): Methods and Modes of Resisting the State
  • Laura Blessing

  • Andrea Campbell

  • Sean Beienburg

  • John Dinan

  • Risa Goluboff

May 08, 2014 05:30 AM

Panel 1: Metropolitan Histories of the 20th Century
  • Brent Cebul

  • Anthony Ross

  • Kelly Richter

  • Kim Phillips-Fein

  • Jim Sparrow

  • Meg Jacobs

  • Claudrena Harold

May 08, 2014 05:00 AM

April 30, 2014 07:00 AM

Polarization in Historical Perspective

April 25, 2014 08:30 AM

Polarization in Historical Perspective
  • William A. Galston

  • William Kristol

April 23, 2014 07:00 AM

Historical Presidency

April 16, 2014 11:30 AM

April 16, 2014 07:00 AM

The Limits of Espionage
  • John Rizzo

  • Genevieve Lester

April 08, 2014 07:00 AM

41: Inside the Presidency of George H. W. Bush
  • Michael Nelson

  • Russell Riley

April 04, 2014 07:00 AM

April 03, 2014 10:00 AM

April 03, 2014 06:30 AM

April 03, 2014 04:30 AM

April 01, 2014 01:30 PM

March 28, 2014 08:30 AM

Inventing the Military-Industrial Complex
  • Jamie Morin

  • Douglas O'Reagan

  • Kate Epstein

March 26, 2014 07:00 AM

The Mind of Vladimir Putin
  • Clifford Gaddy

  • Yuri Urbanovich

Polarization in Historical Perspective

March 20, 2014 08:30 AM

Historical Presidency

March 19, 2014 11:30 AM

March 19, 2014 07:00 AM

March 05, 2014 06:00 AM