Events / Upcoming Events

Collage of prominent guests to Miller Center events: President Clinton, Karl Rove, Madeleine Albright

Nationally renowned speakers

Politicians, journalists, and government officials frequently participate in Miller Center panel discussions

Hero crowd 7

Probing questions

UVA students are enthusiastic participants in Miller Center events throughout the year

Protest for change, woman holding a sign

Robust debate, without fear or favor

Miller Center speakers address the nation's most pressing problems—sometimes eliciting protests

Upcoming or Past

More events will be scheduled soon. Please check back.

February 23, 2009 12:30 PM

February 16, 2009 06:00 AM

The Eight Stages of Genocide
  • Gregory H. Stanton

February 13, 2009 08:30 AM

Business of Intelligence Gathering & Analysis

February 09, 2009 06:00 AM

Suicide Terrorism
  • Assaf Moghadam

February 06, 2009 07:30 AM

February 06, 2009 06:00 AM

January 30, 2009 08:30 AM

January 22, 2009 12:30 PM

January 16, 2009 06:00 AM

December 12, 2008 06:15 AM

Session Five: Reconnecting the United States with the World
  • Daniel Plafcan

  • Stacy VanDeveer

  • Henrik Selin

  • Kathryn Harrison

  • Alastair Totty

December 12, 2008 04:00 AM

Session Four: Are Federal Institutions Up to the Challenges of Climate Change?
  • Susan Gander

  • Walter Rosenbaum

  • Kirsten Engel

  • Jonathan Cannon

  • Barry G Rabe

December 11, 2008 10:30 AM

Session Three: Market Approaches to Climate Governance
  • Christopher James

  • Timothy Conlan

  • Leigh Raymond

  • Vivian Thomson

  • Barry G Rabe

December 11, 2008 08:30 AM

Session Two: Regulatory Approaches to Climate Governance
  • Ian Rowlands

  • Pietro S Nivola

  • Judith Layzer

  • Daniel Fiorino

  • Professor Brian Balogh

  • Marc Landy

December 11, 2008 07:00 AM

A Luncheon Colloquy with United States Senator John Warner
  • Sen. John Warner

  • Gerald L Baliles

  • Barry G Rabe

December 11, 2008 04:45 AM

Session One: Framing the Issue of Climate Governance
  • Prof. Martha Derthick

  • Paul Posner

  • Anne Khademian

  • Suellen Keiner

  • Christopher Borick

  • Sidney M. Milkis

December 05, 2008 07:30 AM

Promiscuous Citizenship
  • Professor Jason Frank

November 21, 2008 07:30 AM

November 21, 2008 06:00 AM

Business of Intelligence Gathering & Analysis

November 19, 2008 06:00 AM

Business of Intelligence Gathering & Analysis

November 17, 2008 06:00 AM

November 13, 2008 07:30 AM

Political Foundations of Judicial Supremacy
  • Professor Keith Whittington

November 07, 2008 07:30 AM