About this recording GORDON BUNSHAFT TELEPHONE OPERATOR UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE October 10, 1968 Gordon Bunshaft Telephone Operator Unidentified Female The Presidency Citation Number: 13533 LBJ ASKS IF IT IS POSSIBLE TO BUILD REPLICA OF OVAL OFFICE IN LBJ LIBRARY; POPULARITY OF TRUMAN LIBRARY'S REPLICA; LADY BIRD JOHNSON'S VIEWS; LBJ SAYS THIS IS THE ONE THING HE WANTS; IMPRESSIVENESS OF OVAL OFFICE; SCHEDULE FOR LIBRARY'S COMPLETION Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with GORDON BUNSHAFT, TELEPHONE OPERATOR and UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE, October 11, 1968 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with GEORGE MAHON, October 11, 1968 Next Conversation with RAMSEY CLARK, October 15, 1968 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with RAMSEY CLARK, October 15, 1968 audio icon Conversation with DEAN RUSK, October 15, 1968 audio icon Conversation with RAMSEY CLARK, October 15, 1968 audio icon Conversation with INDIRA GANDHI, TELEPHONE OPERATOR and OFFICE SECRETARY, October 15, 1968 audio icon Conversation with DEAN RUSK, October 15, 1968 audio icon Conversation with CONFERENCE CALL, RICHARD NIXON, GEORGE WALLACE and OFFICE CONVERSATION, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with EVERETT DIRKSEN, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with CLARK CLIFFORD, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with CONFERENCE CALL, GEORGE WALLACE, RICHARD NIXON and HUBERT HUMPHREY, October 16, 1968 audio icon Conversation with CLARK CLIFFORD and OFFICE CONVERSATION, October 16, 1968 audio icon