1972 election results
-The President's landslide
-The President’s schedule
-Shoreham Hotel
-New York
-The President's lead
-New York City
-Jewish vote
Rockefeller’s Location
1972 election
-George S. McGovern
-Concession statement
-The President's loss
-District of Columbia [DC]
-The President's loss
-House of Representatives races
-Peter A. Peyser
-Defeat of Richard L. Ottinger
-Ogden R. Reid
-Defeat of Carl A. Vergari
-Otis G. Pike
-Defeat of Joseph Boyd, Jr.
-John G. Dow
-Republican gains in New York
The President's schedule
- 66 -
Tape Subject Log
(rev. June-07)
Conversation No. 33-59 (cont’d)
-Trip to Florida
-Possible meeting with Rockefeller
Rockefeller’s schedule
1972 election
-The President’s schedule, November 4, 1972
-North Carolina airfield
-Henry A. Kissinger
-Message from North Vietnam
-Lack of conditions
-McGovern’s campaign
-R. Sargent Shriver
-Tricia Nixon Cox response
-New York
-Freedom of speech
-Family's response
-The President’s recent statement
-Rockefeller's memorandum
-Domestic programs
Well wishes
-Margaretta (“Happy”) Rockefeller
-Thelma C. (“Pat”) Nixon