Date: August 13, 1971
Time: 11:57 am - 12:15 pm
Location: Oval Office
The President met with Diana Billings, Robert Buchanan, Christopher Chapin, Patricia Clifford,
Thomas Davis, Arthur Fergenson, Marsha Gilman, Scoll Gleason, Douglas Hallett, Harding
Jones, Dale Kinsella, Jeanne Luboja, Loretta Lungren, Dolly Madison, Chris Marshall, William
Olson, Michael Schatzlein, Linda Scheuplein, Robert Sutcliffe, Blair Wilson, Frederic V. Malek,
Stephen B. Bull, and Herbert G. Klein; the White House press photographers were present at the
beginning of the meeting.
[The recording began while the meeting was in progress]
General conversation
-Richard A. Moore
-Harry S. Dent
-Raymond K. Price, Jr.
-Charles W. Colson
-Edwin L. Harper
-Constance M. (“Connie”) Stuart
-Robert H. Finch
-Nick Ruwe
-Peter M. Flanigan
-Clement E. Conger
-Beirut, Lebanon
-William E. Timmons
[Photograph session]
Jack Horner
-Gift of ashtray to President
President's schedule
Dwight D. Eisenhower
-Value of work
Douglas Maggs, professor at Duke Law School
-Book on constitutional law
-President's role
-Julie Nixon Eisenhower and Tricia Nixon Cox
-Value of work
-Value of work
-President’s forthcoming trip to People’s Republic of China [PRC]