Date: May 16, 1973
Time: 9:30 am - 9:48 am
Location: Oval Office
The President met with Ronald L. Ziegler.
President’s schedule
-Radio speech on campaign reform
-President’s meeting with Henry A. Kissinger
-Ziegler’s statement
-Lt. Gen. Vernon A. Walters’s testimony
-H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman
-Ziegler’s conversation with H. R. Haldeman
-John W. Dean III
-Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]
-Defendants on payroll
-Haldeman and Ehrlichman
-President’s telephone call to L[ouis] Patrick Gray
-White House response
-Ziegler’s possible statement
-Dean’s investigation
-Ziegler’s briefing notes
-President’s statement, August 29, 1972
-Dean’s documents
-J. Fred Buzhardt, Jr.
-[Joseph T.?] Sneed
-White House response
-Ziegler’s possible statement
-Dean’s investigation
-President’s order
-President’s statement, August 29, 1972
-Briefing book
-Ehrlichman’s role
Tape Subject Log
(rev. September-2012)
Conversation No. 919-7 (cont’d)
-New York Times story, May 16
-Ehrlichman’s statement
-White House response
-President’s orders concerning investigation
-Clark MacGregor
-Dean’s investigation
-Responsibility as White House counsel
-Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] reports
-Walters’s testimony
-Haldeman and Ehrlichman
-Press stories
-Ziegler’s forthcoming press briefing
-Dean report
-President’s role
-Ziegler’s previous statement
-National security leaks
-Possible effect
-Vietnam War settlement and Strategic Arms
Limitation Talks [SALT]
-President’s orders
-Dean’s investigation
-Responsibility of White House counsel
-President’s desire for full disclosure
-Responsibility of White House counsel
-Dean’s activities
-Material in briefing book for press conference, August 29, 1972
-Assurances regarding White House staff
involvement to Ziegler and Gerald L. Warren