Date: May 26, 1971
Time: 6:42 pm - 6:46 pm
Location: White House Telephone
The President talked with H.R. (“Bob”) Haldeman.
[See Conversation No. 253-31]
President's schedule
-Drugs meetings
-John D. Ehrlichman
-Ehrlichman and J. Edgar Hoover
-John N. Mitchell
-Egil (“Bud”) Krogh, Jr.
-Killings in New York City
-Possible legislation
-Charles W. Colson
-Story in May 26, 1971 Washington Star
-Stock market
-Dow Jones average
President's trip to Alabama
-Raymond K. Price, Jr.
-President's editors' briefing
-Harold E. Hughes pay amendment
-Effect on Volunteer Army
-Effect of North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] and Strategic Arms Limitation
Talks [SALT] initiatives
-Colson's talk with Edward W. Brooke