About this recording HOUSTON HARTE December 31, 1963 Houston Harte Finance and Banking LBJ AND SALINGER PRAISE HARTE'S STORY AND EDITORIAL ON ERHARD VISIT; BOB KLEBERG FINANCING NEW MAGAZINE SECTION; LBJ COMMENTS ON NEWSPAPERS HE READS; NEWS STORY ON THE FEDERAL BUDGET; WHITE HOUSE STAFF MEMBER FROM SAN ANGELO Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with HOUSTON HARTE, December 31, 1963 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with DEAN RUSK, December 31, 1963 Next Conversation with UNIDENTIFIED MALE, January 1, 1964 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes MACHINE NOISE, January 1, 1964 audio icon Conversation with UNIDENTIFIED MALE, January 1, 1964 audio icon Conversation with LADY BIRD JOHNSON and OFFICE CONVERSATION audio icon MACHINE NOISE, January 1, 1964 audio icon Conversation with DEAN RUSK, January 1, 1964 audio icon Conversation with JACQUELINE KENNEDY, January 1, 1964 audio icon K64.01 : 2 : lbj_k64_01_02.mp3 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, January 1, 1964 audio icon Conversation with ROY ROBERTS, January 1, 1964 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, January 1, 1964 audio icon