

Results 261 - 280 of 2134
Presidential Biographies
… the Maryland state assembly (1787-1796).In 1796, President George Washington offered McHenry the position of secretary of war. …
Presidential Biographies
… three years later to succeed Edmund Randolph as President George Washington's attorney general. Although he helped settle the …
Oral History Interviews
… Ashley … Kavanaugh … Personal Assistant to the President … Washington, D. C. … Kavanaugh begins with her early life in politics and working with George W. Bush when he was governor of Texas. She talks about …
Oral History Interviews
… Brent … Scowcroft … National Security Advisor … Washington D.C … General Brent Scowcroft reflects on the … policy; NSC’s approach to analyzing issues; President George H. W. Bush’s strengths and weaknesses in foreign …
Public Events
… have eulogized and remembered U.S. presidents since George Washington's death in 1799. What do our collective …
Oral History Interviews
… … Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs … Washington D.C … Paster talks about entering Democratic … my present employer, in 1989, the same week that George Bush was sworn in. In 1992 my boss asked me to go to …
Presidential Biographies
… recognition of Osgood's national service, President George Washington named him the nation's first postmaster …
Presidential Biographies
… Constitutional Convention in 1787. In 1789, President George Washington appointed him to the post of attorney general, …
Public Events
… College and the Griffith ’52 visiting professor at Washington and Lee University. His publications include  … Planning and Diplomacy in Coalition Warfare, 1941-1943 ;  George C. Marshall: Soldier-Statesman of the American Century …
Presidential Biographies
… (1787) and state (1790) constitutions. In 1790, President George Washington named him U.S. commissioner to the Seneca Indians …
Presidential Biographies
… (1787) and state (1790) constitutions. In 1790, President George Washington named him U.S. commissioner to the Seneca Indians …
Oral History Interviews
… Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) … Washington, D.C. … Hayden reflects on the September 11 (9/11) … don’t we begin by asking you about your first meeting with George W. Bush? We know that you served in George H. W. …
Oral History Interviews
… Stanley … Jones … EMK staffer; healthcare specialist … Washington, D.C. … Jones describes his work with Edward … the issue. Heininger Was there really an expectation that [George] McGovern could win? Jones Well, I’m really not the …
Oral History Interviews
… … Hastert … Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives … Washington, D.C. … Hastert discusses becoming House Speaker … This is the Dennis Hastert interview as a part of the George W. Bush Oral History Project. We are all in …
Oral History Interviews
… of Economic Advisers and National Economic Council … Washington, D.C. … David Cutler discusses issues such as the … I remember one particularly amusing thing where the senior George [Herbert Walker] Bush was talking about patriotism and …
Presidential Recordings
… Oval Office Stephen B. Bull met with Mayor Walter E. Washington, Jerry V. Wilson, John D. Ehrlichman, and Egil G. … -The President’s view -Television revenues Redskins -George E. Allen -Conversation with the President at San …
Oral History Interviews
… … Ave Maria, Florida … Towey talks about meeting George W. Bush; the 2000 Presidential transition; his early … Mary and I say we’ll open an Aging With Dignity office in Washington and move up there. In January of 2001 at the exact …
Oral History Interviews
… Michale … Myers … Staffer for Edward Kennedy … Washington, D.C. … Myers describes how he was hired by Edward … Jim Towey was his staff person who, most recently, was [George W.] Bush’s faith-based advisor.  I worked very closely …
Public Events
… , Hoffman explores key turning points in history from George Washington to Barack Obama. She challenges the notion that …
Presidential Biographies
… Constitutional Convention in 1787. In 1789, President George Washington appointed him to the post of attorney general, …