

Results 121 - 140 of 2134
… were ignored and unenforced. Beginning their rides in Washington, DC, the freedom riders were arrested in … summer session beginning in June. The governor of Alabama, George Wallace, was an avowed segregationist. In his …
Oral History Interviews
… Secretary to First Lady Barbara Bush; Chief of Staff to George H. W. Bush in his retirement … Kennebunkport, Maine … … friendship with President Clinton--Honestly, this group in Washington could take a page out of their playbook, that …
Miller Center Scholars
… dean of the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University, and from 2005 to 2007 was director of …
Oral History Interviews
… Thad … Cochran … Senator, Mississippi … Washington, D.C. … Cochran discusses his work with Edward … I had somebody working with me on the House side too, George Miller, a Democrat from California, because these were …
Oral History Interviews
… In this interview Samuel Skinner discusses his work in the George H. W. Bush administration as secretary of … "Well, my Dad is trying to bring people in from outside Washington, to help him in the administration. There are …
Oral History Interviews
… … Speechwriter, Advisor to Edward and Robert Kennedy … Washington, D.C. … Gwirtzman talks about the early years of … of the book about the fascist dictatorship. Heininger George Orwell’s, yes. Gwirtzman George Orwell. And then some …
Oral History Interviews
… Director of the Leadership Council on Civil Rights … Washington, D.C. … Ralph Neas begins by discussing his early … one reason we were able to defeat [Ronald] Reagan and [George H. W. Bush was because we could count on 20 to 35 …
Oral History Interviews
… the U.S. Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources … Washington D.C … Spencer discusses her work with Senator … to how the history of direct lending unfolded. Under [George H. W.] Bush, there was a change in the way students’ …
Oral History Interviews
… Paul … Laxalt … Senator, Nevada … Washington, D.C. … Long considered one of Reagan's closest … Bill Clinton, I think, was masterful. We’ll find out about George W. [Bush] here. Right now, he’s got everything going …
Oral History Interviews
… Nancy … Pelosi … Speaker of the House … Washington, D.C. … Pelosi talks about health care and her … their corresponding chairman over here, Congressman George Miller. Young Yes. Pelosi In our group, Congressman …
Oral History Interviews
… … Flug … Legislative Assistant to Senator Edward Kennedy … Washington, D.C. … James Flug begins by discussing the setup … that we won on things like [Clement F.] Haynsworth and [George Harrold] Carswell showed that when push came to shove, …
Oral History Interviews
… Edward … Kennedy … Senator … Washington, D.C. … Kennedy talks about his lifelong interest … the very end, during the final windup. After President [George H.W.] Bush I vetoed it in 1992, I sort of pulled out …
Oral History Interviews
… … Assistant Attorney General; Civil Rights Advocate … Washington, D.C.  … Douglas discusses his relationship with … In the early ’70s, I believe, you became involved in the [George] McGovern campaign. Douglas I did. I was one of the …
Oral History Interviews
… Jeffrey … Blattner … Staffer for Edward Kennedy … Washington, D.C. … Blattner describes his work with Edward … in early 1990 and ultimately was vetoed by President [George H.W.] Bush the first, and the veto was sustained by …
Oral History Interviews
… … Deputy Assistant to the President for Policy Planning … Washington, D.C. … James Pinkerton describes his work as a … as the Bush campaign’s director of research, working with George W. Bush, and serving as director of policy during …
Oral History Interviews
… … Lewis … Member of the U.S. House of Representatives … Washington, D.C. … Lewis talks about civil rights and his … rights bill. What was it called during [Ronald] Reagan or [George H.W.] Bush—Bush one—when we had the Civil Rights Act? …
Oral History Interviews
… Jennings … Senior healthcare advisor under Bill Clinton … Washington, D.C. … Christopher Jennings offers his early … and Baucus passed. Then James Balog, who was President [George H. W.] Bush’s appointee, passed. At the end of the …
Public Events
… critic, and author Robert G. Kaiser , Associate Editor, Washington Post Steven Lee Myers , White House Correspondent, New York Times Moderator: George Gilliam , Assistant Director of Public Programs and …
Oral History Interviews
… the White House, Timothy McBride provides observations on George H. W. Bush—the man and the statesman. … Riley Are you … of 1980. I was invited by this same Jim Baker to come to Washington after he was assigned to work on the arrangements …
Oral History Interviews
… Edward … Kennedy … Senator … Washington, D.C. … Kennedy discusses war, in particular … we’re guided by now. In the first Gulf War, I agreed with [George] Mitchell and Sam Nunn that we had not given economic …