Date: July 29, 1971
Time: 8:00 pm - 8:19 pm
Location: White House Telephone
The White House operator talked with the President.
Call from Charles W. Colson
Rose Mary Woods’ location
The President talked with Colson.
Colson's schedule
Economic briefing by John B. Connally and George P. Shultz
-Senators reaction
-Charles H. Percy
-Howard H. Baker, Jr.
-Robert P. Griffin
Colson's meeting with Hobart D. Lewis
-Forthcoming articles
-Martin S. Hayden (?) editorial
-China initiative
-Right wing reaction
-William F. Buckley, Jr.
-Book on trip to the People's Republic of China [PRC]
-Cuba comparison
Columbia Broadcasting System [CBS]
-Colson's call
-Coverage of the President
-Scene with little girl
-Robert Pierpoint narration
-Compared to Lyndon B. Johnson
-Compared to John F. Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower
-Dan Rather
Tape Subject Log
(rev. 10/08)
-Coverage of economy
-Coverage of the President
-Impact of Frank Stanton meeting
-Human interest
-Capitol Hill
-Scene with little girl
-Walter Cronkite Conv. No. 7-32 (cont.)
-Note from the President
-Committee investigation
-Clarence J. (\"Bud\") Brown, Jr.
China initiative
-John G. Tower
-Peter H. Dominick
-John A. Volpe
-Visit to Convention of Catholic Laymen
-Prayer for the President's journey for peace
Louis Harris polls
-New survey
-China initiative, economy
Colson's meeting with public information officers [PIOs]
-Economic news stories
-Wright Patman comments
-Depression of 1929
-Unemployment rate, 1960-1964
-American Society of Association Executives, July 27, 1971
-Machine tool industry
-Arthur F. Burns
-Positive statement
-Alan Greenspan calls to Colson
-Retail sales
-Unemployment figures
Tape Subject Log
(rev. 10/08)
-Bureau of Labor Standards [BLS]
-Briefing reaction
-Machine tool industry
-Harris Conv. No. 7-32 (cont.)
-Retail sales
-Steel strike
-Harris meeting with Colson
-Domestic Council poll
-Price breakdown
-Council of Economic Advisors [CEA]
-Basic commodities
-Paul W. McCracken
-Food prices
-Farm prices
-Consumer market
-Transportation costs
-Basic commodities
-Compared to other countries
The President's schedule
-Capitol Hill
Spiro T. Agnew's trip
-Colson's talk with John A. Scali
-Press reports
-Agnew's constituency
-Colson's talk with \"an old line Democrat Italian politician from New England\"
-Administration support