About this recording KERMIT GORDON January 16, 1964 Kermit Gordon American Defense and Security Domestic Affairs Education Energy and the Environment Jobs and Economy Media and the Press Social Issues Taxation Citation Number: 1381 WH DINNER FOR SENATORS; TAX BILL; DEFENSE SPENDING; POVERTY; EDUCATION; YOUTH EMPLOYMENT; DOMESTIC PEACE CORPS; AEC EXPENDITURES; REA BUDGET; SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET REQUESTS; PERSONNEL REDUCTIONS; INTEREST RATES AND HOUSING MARKET; PRESS; ELLIOTT BELL Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with KERMIT GORDON, January 16, 1964 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with DEAN RUSK, January 16, 1964 Next Conversation with (possibly) OFFICE SECRETARY and GWEN GIBSON, January 17, 1964 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with (possibly) OFFICE SECRETARY and GWEN GIBSON, January 17, 1964 audio icon Conversation with LADY BIRD JOHNSON, January 17, 1964 audio icon Conversation with JACK VALENTI, January 18, 1964 audio icon Conversation with ABE FORTAS and WALTER JENKINS, January 18, 1964 audio icon Conversation with OFFICE CONVERSATION and MARIE FEHMER, January 17, 1964 audio icon Conversation with TED SORENSEN, January 17, 1964 audio icon Conversation with JACK VALENTI, January 17, 1964 audio icon Conversation with (possibly) OFFICE SECRETARY and ROBERT PHILLIPS, January 17, 1964 audio icon Conversation with DEAN RUSK, January 17, 1964 audio icon Conversation with ROBERT WEAVER, January 18, 1964 audio icon