

Results 241 - 260 of 2134
Public Events
… of Marching in Place: the Status Quo Presidency of George Bush (1992), and is a regular guest on PBS's Washington Week with Gwen Ifill . … The Preacher and the …
Oral History Interviews
… Robert … Bates … Staffer for Edward Kennedy … Washington, D.C. … Bates continues discussing his work with … is a hell of a distorted comparison, but it’s almost like [George W.] Bush on the war. Bush doesn’t back off the war, …
Oral History Interviews
… … Wife of Senator Kennedy, Attorney, Democratic activist … Washington, D.C. … Young This is April 8, 2010, an interview … to. Kennedy Absolutely. Young Picked. I mean, President [George H.W.] Bush always had a picked audience. Kennedy Yes. …
Public Events
… was in three Republican presidential administrations: George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan. He was … a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC. … Melody Barnes and Peter Wehner … It’s about …
Oral History Interviews
… President; White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy … Washington, D.C. … Rove discusses his role in the George W. Bush White House, the urgency of events taking over …
Presidential Biographies
… (1789-1793), the appointment a favor from President George Washington. Lee achieved more notable political …
Oral History Interviews
… Thomas … Susman … Staffer for Edward Kennedy … Washington, D.C. … Susman discusses his work for Kennedy on … Wounded Knee, they demanded that Senator Kennedy, Senator [George] McGovern and Senator [James] Fulbright of the Foreign …
Oral History Interviews
… James … Mongan … Staffer for Russell Long … Washington, D.C. … Mongan describes his work with Kennedy … much more uphill for Carter. Then, of course, Reagan and [George H.W.] Bush just wouldn’t go anywhere near it. Then …
Oral History Interviews
… Thurgood … Marshall … Staffer for Edward Kennedy … Washington, D.C. … Marshall talks about working for Al Gore … won the last election. I don’t feel that President [George H.W.] Bush was obligated to come up with a worthy …
Presidential Biographies
… (1787) and state (1790) constitutions. In 1790, President George Washington named him U.S. commissioner to the Seneca Indians …
Oral History Interviews
… Presidential Appointments and Scheduling; Chief of Staff … Washington, D.C. … As Chief of Staff of the Office of Ronald … I’d also done advance work with Vice President [George H.W.] Bush on the campaign. When he was coming west or …
Public Events
… Book Critics Circle Award in 1999, and An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America . …
Oral History Interviews
… Judy … Feder … Staffer for Edward Kennedy … Washington, D.C. … Feder describes her work with Edward … I know there was a lot of discussion with Gephardt and [George] Mitchell. You will remember that [Daniel] …
Oral History Interviews
… … Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Ohio … Washington, D.C. … Gradison discusses his work with Edward … member on the Ways and Means Committee within memory was George H.W. Bush. This is kind of interesting. And on the …
Oral History Interviews
… Mona … Sarfaty … Health-care staffer … Washington, D.C. … Mona Sarfaty relates how she came to work … raise it to 300 percent this last year, and that was what [George W.] Bush vetoed. But yes, the principles and the …
Oral History Interviews
… of the U.S. House of Representatives; U.S. Senator … Washington, D.C. … Donald Riegle begins by discussing his … I think of when [Robert] Dole and Alan Simpson were there. George Mitchell was pretty businesslike, but not to the point …
Public Events
… Charlottesville, VA 22903 … On March 28, 2001, President George W. Bush said, "Fact is, the dramatic stance I made on … administrations, and from 2001 to 2004 wrote the weekly "Washington Wire" column. … The Social Security Reform …
Public Events
… VA 22903 … Werner Fornos, a professor from George Washington University, gives a lecture on immigration. …
Oral History Interviews
… Greenberger … Copresident of National Women’s Law Center … Washington, D.C. … Greenberger discusses her working … highly controversial. Ultimately, of course, President [George H. W.] Bush vetoed the Civil Rights Act of ’91. There …
Oral History Interviews
… know Senator Edward Kennedy while working as a lobbyist in Washington. He goes on to talk about his personal … it ended up being vetoed twice by the former President [George H. W.] Bush, and then it became the first significant …