Secret White House Tapes

Meetings with Thomas D. Campbell; Henry Schley—September 24, 1949

About this recording

  • Thomas D. Campbell
  • Henry Schley
September 24, 1949
The recording begins with a brief conversation between Eisenhower and Campbell
discussing lead mining in New Mexico . Campbell tells Eisenhower about finding
radioactive materials and "four feet of lead deposits." They talk about irrigating 10,000
acres of land in New Mexico and the foreclosure on more acreage . Campbell leaves.
Eisenhower is then heard talking to a staff member about attending a football game at
2 :00 p.m. with General William Snyder and Kevin McCann. The staff member
announces that Henry Schley is there to see Eisenhower.
Schley and Eisenhower begin their conversation with a discussion of Schley's recent
hospitalization . Schley thanks Eisenhower for calling him during his illness . He talks
about his background as an architect and about his career in construction . He is talking
about a prospective job with Equitable Life Insurance Company in Pittsburgh when the
conversation is interrupted.