Events / Upcoming Events

Collage of prominent guests to Miller Center events: President Clinton, Karl Rove, Madeleine Albright

Nationally renowned speakers

Politicians, journalists, and government officials frequently participate in Miller Center panel discussions

Hero crowd 7

Probing questions

UVA students are enthusiastic participants in Miller Center events throughout the year

Protest for change, woman holding a sign

Robust debate, without fear or favor

Miller Center speakers address the nation's most pressing problems—sometimes eliciting protests

Upcoming or Past

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Governor Andrew Cuomo

May 21, 2020 11:00 AM

Responding to COVID-19: Federal, state, local
  • Sheila Foster

  • Charles Hartgrove

  • Richard Schragger

  • William Antholis (moderator)

California's primary booklet election 2020

May 14, 2020 11:00 AM

Primaries and primary reform
  • Kyle Kondik

  • Chris Lu

  • Craig Volden

  • Jennifer Lawless (moderator)

empty classroom

May 12, 2020 11:00 AM

The pandemic's lasting effect on education
  • Melody Barnes

  • Robert Pianta

  • Kimberly J. Robinson

  • William Antholis (moderator)

Donald Trump and Xi Jinping shaking hands

Ambassador William C. Battle Symposium on American Diplomacy

May 04, 2020 09:00 AM

U.S.-China relations in a turbulent time: Can rivals cooperate?
  • Matthew Pottinger

  • James Steinberg

  • Evan Feigenbaum

  • Aynne Kokas

  • Yen Pottinger

  • Melur Ramasubramanian

  • Robert Carl Cohen

  • William Antholis (moderator)

  • Harry Harding (moderator)

  • Syaru Shirley Lin (moderator)

COVID-19-drive-thru testing site

April 24, 2020 11:00 AM

'Ask not': National service in times of crisis
  • John Bridgeland

  • Timothy Shriver

  • William Antholis (moderator)

Nurses loading soldier into ambulance in 1918

April 21, 2020 11:00 AM

The healthcare system and COVID-19
  • Guian McKee

  • Kathryn Quissell

  • William Antholis (Moderator)

Shopkeeper posts a sign that a business is closed due to coronavirus

April 17, 2020 11:00 AM

Layoffs, furloughs, unemployment: Coronavirus and the job market
  • Leora Friedberg

  • Chris Lu

  • William Antholis (moderator)

Donkey vs. elephant, Democrat vs. Republican

April 16, 2020 12:00 PM

Reaching across the aisle
  • Mary Kate Cary

  • Chris Lu

  • David Leblang (moderator)

Closeup of a microphone, with a crowd in the background

April 09, 2020 02:00 PM

Policymaking in the pandemic
  • Ian Solomon

  • William Antholis (moderator)

Chinese family on street wearing masks

April 07, 2020 02:00 PM

China and the geopolitics of COVID-19
  • Aynne Kokas

  • Brantly Womack

  • William Antholis (Moderator)

Iwo Jima Memorial at sunrise

April 02, 2020 02:00 PM

Leadership in times of crisis
  • Allan Stam

  • William Antholis

Ambassador Taylor testifying in November 2019

April 01, 2020 11:00 AM

Diplomacy on trial: Ambassador William Taylor
  • Ambassador William Taylor

  • William Antholis (moderator)

down arrow over europe

March 26, 2020 10:30 AM

The developing economic crisis and the pandemic
  • Robert Bruner

  • David Leblang

  • David Smith

election 202 graphic with red elephant and blue donkey

March 24, 2020 11:00 AM

Diamonds on black background

March 04, 2020 07:00 PM

newspaper headline "acquitted" with picture of Donald Trump

February 24, 2020 11:00 AM

The Trump impeachment episode: Party wars and the Constitution
  • Claire Finkelstein

  • Jonathan Turley

  • Sidney Milkis (moderator)

Police in riot gear

February 18, 2020 10:00 AM

Ambassadors unplugged: A hard look at the state of the world
  • Eric Edelman

  • Nancy Soderberg

  • John M. Owen IV (moderator)

Wall topped with barbed wire

February 06, 2020 11:00 AM

Border wars
  • Julie Hirschfeld Davis

  • Michael D. Shear

  • David Leblang (moderator)

  • David A. Martin (moderator)

Governor and Tammy Murphy in profile looking down

February 05, 2020 03:00 PM

The art of public service: New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and First Lady Tammy Murphy
  • Governor Phil D. Murphy

  • First Lady Tammy Snyder Murphy

  • Dean Ian H. Solomon

Location: Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy
235 McCormick Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Hong Kong protestors

January 31, 2020 11:00 AM

Autonomy limited: Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, and the U.S.
  • Evan Feigenbaum

  • Syaru Shirley Lin

  • Harry Harding (moderator)

Frederick Douglass

January 24, 2020 04:00 PM

Frederick Douglass: Prophet of freedom
  • David Blight

  • William Antholis

  • Larycia Hawkins

Nancy Pelosi announcing articles of impeachment

January 17, 2020 11:00 AM

Impeachment pop-up roundtable (Rotunda edition)
  • Deborah Hellman

  • Kyle Kondik

  • Chris Lu

  • Barbara Perry (moderator)

Location: The Rotunda
1826 University Avenue
Charlottesville, VA 22904

Lady Bird Johnson reading to children in school

January 16, 2020 11:00 AM

How great was the Great Society? A view from 2020
  • Kevin Gaines

  • Guian McKee

  • Julian Zelizer

  • Melody Barnes (moderator)

John F. Kennedy Jr. in tuxedo at a party

December 09, 2019 11:00 AM

POSTPONED: America's reluctant prince
  • Steven M. Gillon

  • Barbara A. Perry

republican candidates at a debate during the lead up to the 2016 elections

December 05, 2019 11:00 AM

The death of politics
  • Peter Wehner

  • William Antholis (moderator)

White House with storm clouds

November 21, 2019 11:00 AM

The Lost Soul of the American Presidency
  • Stephen F. Knott

  • Russell Riley

1870s political cartoon showing fat corrupt politician among ruins

November 19, 2019 10:00 AM

Corruption and institutional decay
  • William Browder

  • David Gergen

  • Shan Aman-Rana

  • Kara Brockmeyer

  • Michael Gilbert

  • Daniel W. Gingerich

  • Deborah Hellman

  • Philip Keefer

  • Stephen D. Mull

  • David Singerman

  • Sandip Sukhtankar

  • Sylvia Tidey

  • Jessica Levy

Map of road running from China across Asia

November 15, 2019 11:00 AM

The American response to China's Belt and Road Initiative
  • Kathryn C. Kaufman

  • Rush Doshi

  • Kerem Cosar

  • Syaru Shirley Lin (moderator)

Old water tower against a purple sky

November 12, 2019 03:30 PM

“American Creed”: Screening and discussion
  • David M. Kennedy

  • John Bridgeland

  • Melody Barnes

George W. Bush with military

November 01, 2019 02:30 PM

Critical decisions: Insights from the George W. Bush Presidential Oral History Project
  • John Bellinger

  • Josh Bolten

  • John Bridgeland

  • Eric Edelman

  • Michael Nelson

  • Barbara Perry

  • Russell Riley

  • Frances Townsend

  • Margaret Warner