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Presidential Speeches
… the House Judiciary Committee’s subpoena for White House tapes, President Nixon addresses the American people to … he is releasing. He defends his innocence in the Watergate scandal while also reiterating his belief in the … Committee's subpoena for additional Watergate tapes, and to tell you something about the actions I shall be taking …
Oral History Interviews
… … Martin Anderson illustrates his service in the campaigns and administrations of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. … to a lot of the problems later on which eventually led to Watergate, but that’s another— Young So that the President …
… office.” With those words, Richard Nixon became the first—and so far only—president to announce his resignation. … Ken … and other leaders, I have concluded that because of the Watergate matter, I might not have the support of the … of the United States. Nixon's secret White House tapes , uncovered in the course of the Senate Watergate
“Therefore, I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow. Vice President Ford will be sworn in as president at that hour in this office.” With those words, Richard Nixon became the first—and so far only—president to announce his resignation.
… was President Richard Nixon's first assessment of the Watergate break in on June 20, 1972, three days after five … apprehended at Democratic National Committee headquarters. And just less than five months later, on November 7, 1972, … Committee hearings as compiled by PBS NewsHour" The tapes: Nixon's last line of defense With Dean and several …
“It's going to be forgotten.” That was President Richard Nixon's first assessment of the Watergate break in on June 20, 1972, three days after five men were apprehended at Democratic National Committee headquarters. And just less than five months later, on November 7, 1972, 23.5% more Americans voted to reelect the president than to replace him with Democrat George McGovern
Oral History Interviews
… his relationship with Kennedy after leaving his office and the evolution of the Senate as an institution over the … on to discuss Kennedy’s 1980 presidential campaign, the Watergate investigation, and Kennedy’s 1994 reelection … he was confirmed. A few years later, when the Watergate tapes came out, one of them is a wonderful tape of Richard …
Oral History Interviews
… Thomas … Oliphant … Washington correspondent and a columnist for the Boston Globe … Charlottesville, … started and ended so fast. I have since seen some of the tapes from—I didn’t see any television that whole week. They … get a sense that 1976, because it was the first after Watergate, was going to be a marathon Presidential campaign …
Oral History Interviews
… healthcare reform, North American Free Trade Agreement, and the Monica Lewinsky scandal. … Riley This is the Roy Neel … that kind of a reform agenda? Neel Yes, if you look at the Watergate babies, it’s really three different classes, ’74, … one of these things. He would write these things down—the tape can’t get this—but he would come back to Washington and
Oral History Interviews
… discusses Bosnia, Somalia, Haiti, the Middle East, and President William J. Clinton's relationship with his … earlier that there was this weird feeling about how did Watergate happen and how people felt after. You think about … Relations Committee. There are some very funny CSPAN tapes of Jesse Helms winking at me. I really worked that …
Oral History Interviews
… first as a member of Senator Hart’s Judiciary staff, and then as a member of Senator Kennedy’s Judiciary staff. … poverty, and human rights. Wides talks about the Watergate investigation, judicial confirmations, and the …
Oral History Interviews
… the One Man, One Vote legislative fight, civil rights, and the operation of Senator Kennedy’s staff. He talks about … liberties and crime issues. Flug also begins to discuss Watergate. … Janet Heininger This is an interview with Jim … patch? Flug No. This was Watergate. I am in the Watergate tapes because of that rule. John Dean and Richard Nixon were …
… contacts that sparked much of the ensuing controversy, and which spoke to the Logan Act’s provisions. The law bars … Center as part of its work on the secret White House tapes , and which are accessible via the following links. … well as on the subsequent role it may have played in the Watergate scandal, is available from Miller Center scholar …
The revelations about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ discussions with Russian officials in 2016 signal that the Logan Act may once again be back in the news
Oral History Interviews
… discusses Mansfield’s relationship with John F. Kennedy, and his own relationship with Robert F. Kennedy. He speaks of … is mentioned. Ferris brings up the establishment of the Watergate Committee and Senator Mansfield’s role in that. … he was captured by them. But you listen to some of those tapes, and Johnson wanted to get the hell out of there. He …
… the Presidential Recordings Program … Associate Professor and Chair of the Presidential Recordings Program … Marc … system captured 3,400 hours of discussion, the White House tapes constitute a unique and irreplaceable source for the … The Nixon Tapes, the Chennault Affair, and the Origins of Watergate (Virginia, 2014), and Fatal Politics: The Nixon …
About the Presidential Recordings Program
Oral History Interviews
… House Counsel in the wake of the Iran-Contra scandal, and the major issues facing his office during the final 22 … were part of his staff when he was a Senator, during the Watergate period. Culvahouse Yes. I’m a native Tennessean. I … was Deep Throat, someone who had access to the Watergate tapes and the CIA’s knowledge of Watergate. So we looked into …
… operative Charles W. "Chuck" Colson following the Watergate break-in. "The real significance" of the excerpts … at the very outset of the Watergate narrative with new and highly damaging material. What else did he have? How many new tapes would he spring? How sure could Nixon be that his old …
… The Saturday Night Massacre was a milestone in the Watergate scandal, but Nixon’s firing of special prosecutor Archibald Cox (and the resignations-in-protest of the top two officials in … demanded to hear Nixon’s no-longer-secret White House tapes, and fought the president all the way to the Supreme …
Three little Nixonian words swept the web at the news President Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey: “Saturday Night Massacre.” But whether this president shares Nixon’s fate will depend on whether the firing falls into a category captured by three other Nixonian words: “obstruction of justice.”
Oral History Interviews
… House Counsel Fielding discusses the Nixon administration and Watergate; the 1980 Presidential transition; becoming White … would have had to leave office if he had just burned the tapes. For some reason, he didn’t want to. He must have …
… release (6/2009) consisted of conversations from January and February 1973.    Secret Service Documents on … [12] In his July 16, 1973, testimony before the Senate Watergate Committee, Haldeman's chief aide, Alexander … his recording system. [19] Johnson went on to say that his tapes were invaluable in helping him write The Vantage Point. …
… appears in Stanley Kutler, Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes  (New York: The Free Press, 1997), p.292. President … have in the record discussions we've had in this room on Watergate. You know, we've discussed a lot of that stuff. … … …
… on  Foreign Policy  | Governance | Personality Domestic and Economic Policy All the Incentives are Toward Less … Library's June 23, 2009, release of 150 hours of Nixon tapes from January 1973 shed light on a little-known chapter … than two dozen men who went to jail for their role in the Watergate scandal, died Tuesday, January 23, 2007, at the age …